Common Core - Kindergarten Math - Counting and Comparing Numbers
Institutional Pricing - $99 / Year
This program meets all of the Common Core kindergarten math standards for counting and comparing numbers. Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group by using matching and counting strategies. Compare two numbers between 1 and 10 presented as written numerals, utilizing the symbols for greater than, less than and equal to. On-screen, multiple-choice reviews at the end of each segment reinforce important concepts and make learning fun.
Up Next in Institutional Pricing - $99 / Year
Common Core - 1st Grade Math - Tellin...
In this program, animated character Tick Tock takes us on a journey through time...telling time, that is! Learn how to tell and write time in hours and half-hours, using the term "o'clock", on both analog and digital clocks. The differences between the "big hand" and "little hand" are explained...
History Kids - The Louisiana Purchase
In this program, understand all of the events and people integral to the Louisiana Purchase, from the historical context and background that led to the deal to the details of how the purchase was brilliantly negotiated. How did President Jefferson and Congress react to the Louisiana Purchase? W...
History Kids - Native Americans of th...
In this program, learn all about the Native Americans of the Northeast. What were the major Native-American tribes of the Northeast? What types of clothing did they wear and why? Explore the fascinating culture, lifestyle and history of the Iroquois, Pequot and Shawnee. On-screen, multiple-c...