Holiday Kids - All About Christmas
Institutional Pricing - $99 / Year
Kids learn all about the origins of Christmas. What is the winter solstice? What is the history of the Christmas holiday? What is the history of popular Christmas customs and traditions? The answers to all of these questions are covered in a fun, kid-friendly style with detailed graphics, diagrams and exciting video, as well as on-screen, multiple-choice reviews at the end of each segment that reinforce important concepts. Christmas jokes and humorous illustrations make this program an instant classic and a fun holiday tradition!
Up Next in Institutional Pricing - $99 / Year
Holiday Kids - All About Thanksgiving
Kids learn all about the origins of Thanksgiving and how, as young people, it is a time to celebrate with family and food and to reflect on all of what we have for which to be thankful. What were the Mayflower and the Plymouth settlement? How did the first Thanksgiving come to be? How did Than...
History Kids - Causes of the Civil War
Learn about the causes of the Civil War. What were the events that triggered the start of the Civil War? What was the Missouri Compromise? What was Nat Turner’s rebellion? What was the Fugitive Slave Act? What was Uncle Tom’s Cabin? What was the Kansas Nebraska Act? What was the Dred Scott...
Writing Kids - How to Write a Book Re...
Learn how to write a great book report. What is theme? How is it different from the subject of a story? What goes into the introduction, body and conclusion of a book report? The answers to all of these questions are covered in depth with detailed graphics, diagrams and exciting video. On-sc...