Great Careers How to become a Doctor
Institutional Pricing - $99 / Year
Introducing a brand-new series that introduces kids to possible career choices, giving them a comprehensive look at what it takes to become successful in that particular field. In this program, learn about the medical profession and understand the prerequisites for becoming a viable medical school candidate. Young viewers will feel inspired, motivated and directed with a clear path to embark upon in their youth (including classes to take and extracurriculars to get involved in) to later realize the dream of becoming a doctor. Detailed graphics, diagrams, exciting video as well as on-screen, multiple-choice reviews at the end of each segment reinforce important concepts and make learning fun.
Up Next in Institutional Pricing - $99 / Year
Alphabet Colors from A - Z
In this program, learn both the alphabet and your colors as you journey through the alphabet from A to Z! Light-hearted, kid-friendly illustrations depict silly images that highlight the particular letter and corresponding color being taught. A fast-paced review and follow-up quiz reinforce the...
Great Authors - Dr. Seuss
Introducing a brand-new series that presents great authors that are integral to school literature requirements. In this program, meet author Ted Geisel better known by his pen name "Dr. Seuss." What were the significant events of Ted Geisel’s life? What are the unique literary elements of Dr. ...
Preschool Prep - Learning the Alphabe...
Learn both the alphabet and history with young, animated character Alex, as he explores historical men and women from A to Z! Each upper-case letter of the alphabet gets presented several times then linked to a corresponding person and his or her major achievement, which makes mastering the alp...