Preschool Prep - Alphabet Around The Globe
Preschool Prep
In this program, journey around the globe with ten-year-old, animated character Emily, as she presents iconic landmarks from A to Z! Each upper-case letter of the alphabet gets presented several times then linked to a corresponding landmark, which makes mastering the alphabet fun and fosters an early love for world geography! A fast-paced review reinforces the content and ensures maximum retention.
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In this program, join young host Marisa as she takes you on a fun-filled adventure through the alphabet with both familiar and exotic animals from A to Z! Each upper-case letter of the alphabet gets presented slowly, several times with large, easy-to-read graphics. Each letter then gets linked ...
Preschool Prep - Alphabet In Outer Space
Give your child the Preschool Prep advantage with this fact-filled, outer-space adventure through the alphabet from A to Z. While reaffirming your child's grasp of the alphabet, this program will inform and inspire on everything beyond our world, from asteroids to the Hubble telescope to our las...
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