Science Kids  - Grades 4 - 9

Science Kids - Grades 4 - 9

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Science Kids  - Grades 4 - 9
  • Science Kids - Plastic and Chemical Pollution

    Learn all about the worsening state of plastic and chemical pollution in our world. What is the Great Pacific garbage patch? What are the consequences of large companies, like the Montrose Chemical Corporation, dumping toxic chemicals into the ocean? What are the effects of pollution on marine...

  • Science Kids - Charles Darwin and the Theory of Evolution

    Learn all about the life and scientific theories of naturalist Charles Darwin. What is natural selection? What is adaptation? What are the three main components to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution? What is the present-day significance of Darwin’s scientific theories? The answers to all of these ...

  • Science Kids - The Water Cycle - Precipitation, Evaporation, Condensation

    Learn all about the water cycle. What do the terms "evaporation," "condensation," and "precipitation" mean? Where is most of the earth’s water found? What is a glacier? How can we conserve water? The answers to all of these questions and more are covered in depth with detailed graphics, diag...

  • Science Kids - Ducks - Quacks and Fun Facts

    Learn all about ducks. Are ducks omnivorous? Do ducks migrate? Why are there no ducks in Antarctica? What is the biology and physiology of ducks? What is the life cycle of a duck? What are the various duck species of the world? How can we save endangered ducks? The answers to all of these...

  • Science Kids - Plastic and Chemical Pollution - Oceans and Sea Life in Peril

    Learn all about the worsening state of plastic and chemical pollution in our world. What is the Great Pacific garbage patch? What are the consequences of large companies, like the Montrose Chemical Corporation, dumping toxic chemicals into the ocean? What are the effects of pollution on marine...

  • Science Kids - Earthquakes Around the World

    Learn all about earthquakes. What is an earthquake? What causes an earthquake? What are plate tectonics and subduction? What are divergent, convergent, and transform boundaries? What are the core, mantle and crust of the earth? What are the biggest earthquakes of all time, and what have sei...

  • Science Kids - Whales - Giants of the Sea

    Learn all about whales from fun facts to anatomy and physiology. What is the largest whale on earth? What are the different species of whales? What are the most surprising similarities between whales and humans? What is the life cycle of a whale? What can we do to protect endangered whales f...

  • Science Kids - Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems

    Learn all about matter and energy in organisms and ecosystems. What is matter? What is energy? How do plants obtain energy? How do animals get energy? What is the flow of energy throughout an ecosystem? What is the law of conservation of energy, and how does it relate to energy flow within an eco...

  • Science Kids - Trees - Social Interactions and their Role in the Ecosystem

    Learn all about trees and their role in the ecosystem. How much oxygen does an average-sized tree produce? What does the root system of a tree provide for the tree? What are the differences between deciduous and coniferous trees? What are the parts of a tree? How does a tree turn air, water...

  • Science Kids - Neanderthals - A Re-Examination of their Abilities & Intelligence

    Learn all about Neanderthals and the new research from archaeologists that indicates Neanderthals were more advanced with their tools and way of life, including evidence that they possessed the ability to make fire. Understand what caused the extinction of our closest human relatives. Detailed...

  • Science Kids - Lions, Tigers and Other Big Cats

    Learn all about big cats. What are the biggest of the big cats? What are the fastest of the big cats? What are the big cats of Africa, Asia and the Americas? What is a pride? How much food does a mountain lion need each day to survive? How can we protect big cats from extinction? The answe...

  • Science Kids - Tropical Birds Around the World

    Learn all about tropical birds from around the world. What is a Quetzal? What are the tropical birds of the Americas, Africa, Asia and the Pacific? How can we protect tropical birds to not lose these wonderful feathered friends? The answers to these questions and more are covered in depth wit...

  • Science Kids - The Sixth Extinction - Animals in Peril

    Learn all about mass extinctions, including the history of Earth’s five major mass extinctions, as well as the conditions of today’s human-caused sixth extinction, which is the loss of animals from the planet. Understand the history of efforts to save Earth’s biodiversity, what the most promisin...

  • History Kids - Anthropocene - The Age of Humans - Impacting the Earth

    Learn all about the Anthropocene Epoch, a term scientists use to describe this current period in Earth's history. What is an epoch? How has the human species had a negative impact on the planet? What steps can be taken to sustain life on Earth for many generations to come? The answers to thes...

  • Science Kids - Ants

    Learn all about ants. From their unusual strength for their size to their ability to all work in sync with each other, ants are fascinating insects with important roles to play in the ant colony and in helping spread plant life on Earth. Detailed graphics, diagrams and exciting video reinforce ...

  • Science Kids - Understanding COVID-19 Variants - Delta, Lambda and Beyond

    Learn all about how COVID-19 variants are having a devastating effect on people around the globe. What is a variant? Why could it be more dangerous than the original virus? What can we do to slow the spread? How do variants emerge? What are variants of interest and variants of concern? The a...

  • Social Studies Kids - Water Scarcity - Facing the Challenge

    Learn all about the most precious resource on this planet. It is not diamonds, gold or silver, it is water! Viewers will appreciate the staggering amounts of water used daily, the challenges ahead with physical scarcity versus economic scarcity and be empowered with ways they can conserve to en...

  • Science Kids - Dogs - From Gray Wolf to Man’s Best Friend

    Learn all about how the domesticated dog descended from the gray wolf. Understand the changing role of dogs throughout history and across cultures. Why is the domestication of dogs so important? These questions and more are covered in depth with detailed graphics, engaging examples and excitin...

  • Science Kids - Our Changing World of Weather - El Niño and La Niña

    Learn all about our changing world of weather. What is an El Niño year? What is a La Niña year? What does ENSO-neutral mean? How is climate change affecting the ocean currents, and what can we do to prevent it? The answers to all of these questions and more are covered in depth with detailed ...

  • Science Kids - Frogs - Species, Life Cycle and “Ribbeting” Fun Facts

    Learn all about frogs from the various species to "ribbeting" facts! Understand the life cycle of frogs, their biology and physiology, and what you can do to help save the endangered species of these amazing creatures. Detailed graphics, diagrams and exciting video reinforce important concepts ...

  • Social Studies Kids - Climate Change and Fires

    Learn all about forests as ecosystems and their vital role for humankind. Understand how and why climate change is occurring, its role in the dramatic increase in forest fires, and how it threatens not only the survival of forests but also the existence of every species on earth. Explore what c...

  • Science Kids - Crocodiles vs. Alligators - Similarities, Differences, Fun Facts

    Learn all about the similarities and differences between crocodiles and alligators. Which animal has the world’s strongest bite? What are scutes, and what function do they serve for alligators and crocodiles? Can a crocodile really live to be over 100 years old? What causes crocodile tears? ...

  • Science Kids - Biology Terms - Living, Non-Living, Life Cycle, an More

    Learn all about important biology terms that align with state curriculum for ninth grade biology. Terms are defined and exemplified for better comprehension. Terms covered are: Living; Non-Living; Life Cycle; Endangered Species; Extinct. Detailed graphics, diagrams and exciting video reinfor...

  • Science Kids - Coolest and Scariest Dinosaurs

    Learn all about giant creatures that roamed the earth long before humans, dinosaurs! Understand the differences between velociraptors, protoceratops, the mighty T-rex and more! How did they live? What did they eat? And why did they go extinct? The topics are covered in depth with detailed gr...