Science Kids  - Grades 4 - 9

Science Kids - Grades 4 - 9

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Science Kids  - Grades 4 - 9
  • Science Kids: World's Most Venomous Snakes

    Learn all about the biggest, baddest, most venomous snakes in the world. What is the Black Mamba's special skill? What is a hemotoxin? Why can the Gaboon Viper deliver such a high level of venom to its prey? How does seeing prey 330 feet away give the King Cobra a hunting advantage? Which sn...

  • Science Kids: Antarctica and the Melting Ice Shelf

    Learn all about the far-reaching consequences of climate change in Antarctica and the negative global impact from the melting ice shelf. Why does the collapse of the ice shelf in East Antarctica have climate scientists so concerned? How high will sea levels rise around the world and how will th...

  • Science Kids: Ocean Predators

    Learn all about ocean predators past and present. What was the megalodon? How big and powerful was it compared to the apex predators of today? Why are orcas called the "wolves of the sea"? How are great white sharks different than orcas? Where do you find piranha and how do they hunt? Why d...

  • Science Kids: Tiktaalik

    Learn all about the discovery of Tiktaalik, a fish-like animal that is now extinct but is the earliest evidence of a vertebrated animal, like humans, that moved from water to land. How exactly did we get from fish to human? What does this mean for the future of humanity? The answers to these q...

  • Science Kids: Zebras

    Learn all about zebras. What are the different species of zebras? Why do zebras have stripes? Where do zebras live? How fast can they run? What is a dazzle? What can you do to help endangered zebras? The answers to these questions and more are covered in depth with detailed graphics, diag...

  • Science Kids: Bringing Back Extinct Animals

    Learn all about the latest science being employed to bring back extinct animals. What is gene splicing? What does CRISPR stand for? How does it aid with gene splicing? Should Colossal Biosciences be allowed to bring back the extinct Tasmanian Tiger and Woolly Mammoth? What are the pros and c...

  • Science Kids: Robots and AI

    Learn all about the history of and most recent breakthroughs in robotics and artificial intelligence. What was "The Mechanical Turk"? What are the differences between androids and cyborgs? Are drones flying robots? What is artificial intelligence? What are the functions of sensors, control s...

  • Science Kids: Solving Crimes with DNA

    Learn all about how DNA is helping forensic scientists assist criminal investigators in solving crimes. What is forensics? What were early methods of solving crimes? How has DNA led to many cold cases being solved and many wrongfully accused being exonerated? The answers to all of these quest...

  • Science Kids: Shark Alley and the Red Triangle

    Learn all about two of the most shark-infested waters in the world. Where is Shark Alley and how did it get its name? Where is the Red Triangle? Where is the “White Shark Cafe”? Why are there so many Great White Sharks in these areas? What is “Sharktober”? Why do the sharks at Shark Alley h...

  • Science Kids: Seasons

    Learn all about the four seasons: winter; spring; summer and fall. How does the earth rotate to bring about the change of seasons? How does temperature change with each season? What activities and celebrations are associated with each season? How are animals and plant life affected by the ch...

  • Science Kids: Koalas

    Learn all about koalas. Where are koalas found? What anatomical feature makes them perfectly suited for climbing trees? How many subspecies of koalas are there? What do koalas eat? What sound does a koala make? How does great hearing help the koala survive? The answers to all of these ques...

  • Science Kids: Woodpeckers

    Learn all about woodpeckers. How are woodpeckers different from all other birds? How do they peck wood at the rate of 20 times per second? What are the different varieties of woodpeckers? In what type of habitats will you find woodpeckers? What is the life cycle of a woodpecker? What other ...

  • Science Kids: Bugs

    Learn all about bugs. What are the varieties, life cycles and abilties of these various insects? What is molting? What are the stages of metamorphosis? How and why does a spider weave a web? Why are bees essential for flowers? The answers to all of these questions and more are covered in de...

  • Science Kids: Famous Astronomers and Astrophysicists

    Learn all about famous astronomers and astrophysicists who have significantly advanced our understanding of the universe. Who were Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Galileo, Edwin Hubble, Vera Rubin and Neil deGrasse Tyson? What were their major discoveries, theories and contributions to astronomy and a...

  • Science Kids: Amazing Animal Superpowers

    Learn all about amazing animals with incredible abilities. How does a chameleon change colors to blend in with its terrain? How do whales navigate our oceans? How can octopuses use tools and unscrew jar lids? What special abilities do elephants, goats, cats and cows possess? The answers to a...

  • Science Kids: Pangaea and Continental Drift

    Learn all about Pangaea and continental drift. What is Pangaea? What is continental drift, and who first discovered it? What evidence supports Pangaea? What are tectonic plates, and what role do they play in continental drift? The answers to all of these questions and more are covered in dep...